Keep Kraft Wikia


Expertise in knowledge gain
  • Knowledge mastery increments Wood production.
  • Knowledge mastery has infinite levels.


Knowledge mastery appears, on Technologies, after you invest the required Knowledge in Science.
  • Masteries have infinite levels
  • The Knowledge required to access masteries, increases each level.
You can research a Knowledge mastery, after you invest the required Knowledge.
Knowledge required:
Level Knowledge
1 146 410
235 795
3 379 750
... ...
n 100 000 × 1.1(5n - 1)


You can research masteries, after you invest the required Knowledge.
  • You need Books to research masteries, the Books required increase each level.
You gain the bonus after you research a Knowledge mastery.
Books required:
Level Book
1 8.05
2 12.97
3 20.89
... ...
n 5.5 × 1.1(5n - 1)


Knowledge masteries give a bonus to Knowledge production.
You get the bonus after you research the Knowledge mastery. The bonus provided increases with levels.
Bonus provided:
Level % bonus
1 5
2 5
3 5
... ...
n 5 × 1.05n
Calculation for % bonus
is rounded down to the
nearest whole number

Mastery technologies
Coal | Copper | Craft | Food | Gold | Hp | Knowledge | Mineral | Morale | Nickel | Power | Storage | Trade | Water | Wood